Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Y'know what irritates me?

No, not everything...smartass. But some things are exceedingly annoying. I was reading a book review recently and in it the reviewer used an expression that makes me want to slap the stupid out of the person that uses it:

"Transcends the genre"

This is the kind of thing that idiotic snobs with their heads buried up their own asses say to make themselves feel better about enjoying something that is in a genre that they think is beneath them. They do it to make sure everyone knows that they think ill of the genre in question and to try and maintain the appropriate level of smug cockbitery (it's a word now, deal with it) but all they manage to do is look like what they are. Ignorant nitwits.

First off, whatever thing they are talking about doesn't transcend its genre, it's just a good example of its genre. Please look the word transcend up in the dictionary you pack of self fellating gotards. And hey, if you liked it that means that you like the genre in question and should climb down from your own self righteousness before it tips over and crushes you underneath it.

Second, the fact that you feel that you can't enjoy a piece of genre fiction without making excuses means you're a pathetic cretin who should do the world a favor and never interact with other carbon based life forms. The rest of us would appreciate not having to listen to your inane babbling anymore.

I don't want to sound all angry man ranting over here, I really don't, but along with the classics of literature and film I very much enjoy genre stuff and I despise the ever present tone of being talked down to for doing so. I like to remind these brain dead mouth breathers that things like 1984 or The Trial or Brave New World are science fiction and A Midsummer Night's Dream is pure fantasy at its finest or that Poe was a horror writer or maybe ask them how they can say they dislike genre stuff while claiming that It's A Wonferful Life is their favorite movie or that Hitchcock is their favorite director. Then I walk away while they say stupid things that I have no interest in hearing.

In short, I urge all people that engage in this type of snob behavior to either go jump off a tall building or just get over yourself. Either, or. Snob's choice.


The Taco Prophet said...

I wanted to transcend something once. All the cool kids were doing it. But I was in a hurry and didn't read it very closely, so I transcended a gender. wasn't pretty.

Unknown said...

Does that make you like a hermaphroditic bodhisattva? Because that would be awesome.

Tim said...

Know what irritates the shit out of me? RA Wilson died, and I can't find a fucking word about it on any "real" news site.

Unknown said...

I have a "fake" news site on my Google homepage so it was the thing that greeted me this morning when I first got to work. What a shitty way to start the day. Fare you well Mr. Wilson. Nobody mindfucked like you did. Nobody.