Friday, November 16, 2007

Unite under our banner!

It occurred to me a few days ago that Taco, Noq and myself were all born within 9 days of each other. Not only are we all Scorpio, which all right thinking people know is one of only two zodiac signs (Scorpio and Other), but we are all grouped very close together. I declare it a sign from the gods. When we sit on our thrones in blessed Zebulon that stretch of days will be an empire wide holiday full of feasting and merrymaking and nudity and drunkenness and peyote trips and dancing and bonfires and much much laughter.

One of your kings has spoken. As it is written, so shall it be. Zebulon without end. Pass the Yuengling. So be it.


Tim said...

And so began the age of enlightenment and kinky sex known as Pax Scorpia.

fett said...

I'm an aquarius. Bite me.


Unknown said...

You say words but all I hear is "I am Other. I wish I were Scorpio."

Anonymous said...

My mum's a Scorpio, so there goes that.

That said...


He'll sting you with his dreams of power and wealth!


JMac said...

I'm a Libra, and that's sooo very far from OTHER. I think every ruler in history should be a Libra, it should be a pre-requisite. We play fair, we fight fair, and we have a great appreciation for balance and order. (this does not mean I feel I should rule over anything besides my iPod and even THAT I don't rule lately - just think Libras have the greatest potential to do so)

Scorpios, I have found...have a deep love for themselves, sometimes not always known by said scorpio, but it's generally true in any one I've known. Try digging deep to find some love to give to someone else, whydontcha?!

THAT MOTHER is a scorpio as well, Damo. Both Libras with Scorpio mums. Interesting...

SO...your birthday's going down within the next few days, or did recently I assume...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (for whenever that is/was)

Tim said...

Honey,scorpios have a lot of love to give. Not our fault the rest of you can't handle it.

Unknown said...

It's ok, after the Great Purge of Flesh all those who remain will be allowed to petition us to change their sign to Scorpio. Those that are accepted will be given greater rights and freedoms as is right and proper.

To sum up:

Scorpio. Get some.