Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I think I'm mildly concussed...

But we'll get to that later. I'm not sure what to make of this week so far. It's sending me more mixed signals than a cock eyed semaphore flagger. We're hoping it ends on a good note though.

It started when I found out that the place where I go to buy movies is closing. Those of you that know me know that movies are very important to me and second only to books on my list of shit I love. Even though they are only second for me I still see more movies than most that claim to be movie buffs. This place had a great selection in every category and genre, helpful staff, perfect ordering system, the works. Now they're closing and my OCD is already going into hyperdrive.

Where the hell am I supposed to go for movies now? Places like Best Buy don't have the same selection and giant chains like FYI carry all the stuff everyone knows but if you're looking for some obscure thing they won't have it and the staff tends to be made up of teens and twenty somethings that know shit all about most everything. This probably seems like nothing to everyone but it's making me crazy.

Also this week, my boss has given up even the pretense that we aren't on speaking terms any more. He speaks to me only when he absolutely has too and even then won't look at me when he does it. He's doing this to several others too and none of us can figure out why. Now I know I'm difficult to get along with and it's not easy to like me. I know I'm an arrogant prick. I know. This doesn't explain why he's doing it to the others though or why it's only us.

I dislike lots of people that work here but you know what? I'm not a six year old so I'm civil to them because we have to work together. Doesn't matter to me, dude. The next boss up thinks I'm great so you can be a moody bitch for as long as you want. I'll even buy you some Midol.

Then this morning while I'm still half asleep I open the freezer to get some ice and stuff falls out with a clatter. Way too much noise for that ridiculously early hour. I bend down to pick the stuff up and the freezer door closes half way. Right above my head.


Dude. I hit it so hard I think I shook the whole house. The weird part is that when you open the freezer door to a certain point, it always stays open. Always. And even if it doesn't, when it swings closed it always closes all the way. ALWAYS.

The only thing I can think is that my guardian angel, who I figured out years ago is brain damaged, saw it starting to close and decided to hold it open for me. I hit that thing so hard I think I'm still a little dizzy.

Finally this afternoon the big boss comes by my desk and says to follow him. We walk up to where his office and the offices of the people that work directly for him are and he tells me to collect my shit and move it to that empty desk there. My job has changed. From all I can tell it will now be a much better fit for me and, bonus, no more moody bitches to deal with and you can trust that I told him all about how my old boss, his subordinate, has been acting. That's right, I saw a bus and threw his dumb ass under it. Fuck 'im.

So yeah, OCD attack, moody bitch attack, freezer attack then a yay. Not sure what to make of it...


fett said...

Come, let us away to Zebulon, and we shall frolic in the frolic-y fields of the Zebulese. There will be much rejoicing. And mansex, can't forget the mansex.

suyapi said...

Much love for your poor head.

And I hope you didn't break your cranium, either.

The Taco Prophet said...

I may have "adjusted" the freezer door so that I could take sexual advantage of you while you were dazed. In my defense, if you'd just take the damn roofies, I wouldn't have to do this kind of thing.