Friday, December 7, 2007

Bits and bobs

I'm filled with a burning desire for the new Terminator TV series to be awesome. It has Summer Glau in it as a Terminator. If that last sentence didn't make your genitals twitch there may not be any hope for you as a human being. Of course if it turns out to be great then it will probably get canceled because that's the rule, right?

I hate back in parking. Cruising around for a spot and watching some jackass swing way out and then back in and then have to pull back out because he took a bad angle then back up again then pull out one more time because he's a fucking retard then finally get his car/truck/tardmobile into the spot, usually crooked as all hell, makes me want to kill. There's a nitwit at my work that does that. If he gets there before I do he always, ALWAYS manages to take up the first two spots because of his idiotic need to back in even though he's clearly too fucking stupid to do it right. JUST FUCKING PULL IN YOU ASSTASTIC FUCKSMUDGE!!

So I got the results of my CT scan. Turns out I have scar tissue in my sinuses and that plus my deviated septum from multiple nose breaks is what makes it so hard for me to breathe. What does it tell you about my luck that this turns out to be good news for me? I have a referral for a specialist surgeon guy. Ain't life grand?

I'm in the early stages of putting together a few best of '07 lists like I did for '06. I'm still not gonna put your favorite stuff on them. Arrogant prick FTW!

I'm considering a bid for the White House. A vote for me is a vote for hot girl on girl action in every home and mandatory rabies vaccinations. Don't ask. Taco knows what I'm on about.

Spaced is still not out on DVD in this country. What the fuck, man?

Do you ever go outside and look up at the stars and think about all the worlds filled with life out there and how staggering the amount of aliens that are masturbating at that exact moment must be? Enlightenment waits at the end of that path.

There's a new guy at work. This is how I greet him:

Me (shouting): "Bobby!"

Bobby (shouting back): "What?"

Me (extra loud): "FUCK YOU THEN, PUNK!"

Me and Bobby: *laugh*

Other people: "...the fuck?"

Or when Bobby is engaged in conversation with someone else I will walk by, interrupt and say to whoever he's talking to, "Next time you see Bobby, tell him I said 'fuck him'." Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.

I want a pickle. And some cheese.

Thank you Springfield and good night!


Tim said...

My big problem with the fucksticks here and parking isn't that they back in. It's that most of them can't seem to udnerstand that the vehicle goes between the lines, preferably with moderate space on either side so those of us who don't park like vehicular spastics can actually get in and out of their vehicles.

I don't just wonder how many aliens are masturbating. I wonder how many of them are masturbating while watching ME.

fett said...

"Spaced is still not out on DVD in this country. What the fuck, man?"

Amen. A-fucking-men.

Anonymous said...

Order Spaced off you cheap, lazy BITCH.

And get it with Green Wing, damn it.

Unknown said...

But remember the part where I'm lazy? Anyway, the player I have now will play other regions but what if the next one doesn't? Then I'll have to kill people, that's what.

Blue, I'd love to meet them. I can't guarantee their personal safety of emotional well being of course.

Tim, I think of you when I touch my parts. Does that count?

Fett agrees with me which makes him correct. Correctness is to be rewarded after the Great Purge of Flesh.

suyapi said...

"Of course if it turns out to be great then it will probably get canceled because that's the rule, right?"

Only if we like it. If it's mindless drivel reality "who can sing and dance while humping a petard" then somehow it stays on forever.