Thursday, July 24, 2008

Five by five

Really just touching base as I'm still a little too tired for anything involved or requiring, y'know, thinking.

I finished unpacking all my stuff and getting my books organized on their shelves again. That by itself is a whole process that has a life of its own. I set aside 203 books to find new homes for and decided to just give them to a charity for children which will sell them and use the money for food and clothes and stuff. I know what it's like to be a poor kid and it's not pleasant.

I'm this close to talking Taco into visiting soon. Once I get him in a real city he'll never want to leave. One at a time, I'll get you all. I am not patient by nature but I can wait. I can wait...

The bikes on Mario Kart are still kicking my ass.

I finally got back to my normal sleeping pattern of not enough instead of none at all. Is there some secret to getting more? It seems that most people sleep quite well. What am I doing wrong?

IYK has a crusty gine. Pass it on.

Spaced is finally out on DVD here. What the hell took them so long?

I really need to quit caffeine. It'll be brutal and painful. Much like being in a relationship.

That's all the time we have today. Tune in next time for what we hope will be a real post.


Anonymous said...

C has a taggy wart scrote. Pass it on.

suyapi said...

The secret to sleep -

When everyone else said "I had to stay up all night studying, but I got an A!" I said "fuck it" and went to sleep, and took the C...yeah, we'll pretend C was the worse grade I got in school.

So you get to either amount to something, or sleep. Your choice.

Unknown said...


One at a time, Blue. One at a time.

Also, I finally beat the bikes with all 1st place finishes and star ratings on all circuits. I am awesome.


What happens when I'm not sleeping AND not amounting to anything? Should I be concerned?

suyapi said... just said you "I finally beat the bikes with all 1st place finishes and star ratings on all circuits." Which means you are awesome.

So you did amount to something. Ha!

Also, five by five makes me say Eliza Dushku is ME WANT.

Tim said...

Quit caffeine? Glorious, wonderful caffeine? Are you mad?

Unknown said...

Dollhouse has me jonesing pretty hard for Ms. Dushku. I can't wait.

Blue, when you finish a four race circuit and you have the most points you get the first place trophy. If you look in the top right corner when they show you the trophy you'll see a grade (you can also see it on the selection screen) and to unlock every possible thing in the Grand Prix section you have to win every single race AND get a star grade or better (it goes up to three stars). My OCD forces me to play every circuit until I get the four wins and at least one star.

150cc is currently kicking my ass.

I'm tired of being caffeine's bitch. I'm addicted to it and I hate that even though I love it. It's like when I quit smoking except I liked that even more.

The Taco Prophet said...

God damn stars.

And while we're at it, god damn the bikes.

I got a fucking E on Rainbow Bridge on the bikes. I managed to win the series and unlock my mii as a racer, so yay... but fuck. Getting a star on that bitch of a race is going to be murder most vile.

Also, while racing with my mii is awesome, he sounds like he's... special... when he's yelling trash to the other racers. Perhaps that's appropriate given my paranoia, but it's still embarassing.

On the plus side, apparently my mii is the backup singer who did the "Funky! Funky!" part of Cantaloop.

150cc has to be some kind of karmic retribution for an unspeakable act I don't even remember. There's no other explanation for that kind of punishment. Jeebus.

Anonymous said...

You're out of excuses, man! Time to get your Spaced on!