Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And a fridge just for my beer

So yeah, an update. Obviously the move is long done by now and I now have quite a lot more space to spread out in. A LOT more. It's nice. What does it say about me that my books have a bigger bedroom than I do? Something good I bet. In my defense I keep some of my shit in their room. I even have a grill and cook out sometimes. I still don't talk to the neighbors though. Some shit is just carved in stone.

College football has begun. OSU 1-0. Go Bucks. Fuck Michigan.

Pro football starts this Sunday. Praise the divine Ray and may he deliver us to the promised land. Fuck the Steelers and all who follow them.

I'm still not sleeping much and in fact it's been getting much worse in recent weeks. It's normal now for me to wake up 5 or 6 times a night for no reason. Just wake up, check the clock, sigh and wait for a while to drift back off for a few minutes. It's pretty bad. Can you have one of those drug induced comas as an elective procedure? A week of that would be great.

Hey guess what? Taco is coming to visit this month and is staying the night! I'm pretty excited. There's going to be shared awesomeness, crabs, books, movies, some Wii action, probably no small amount of leg humping and possibly one of us being tied up in the basement to prevent him from leaving. I'm just saying.


The Taco Prophet said...
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The Taco Prophet said...

Less than a week til Taco and Taco's dog touch down to get some Balty. I'm not sure what Balty is, but I'm told I want more of it. BECAUSE MOAR!

The dog is very excited. But that's probably just because I ask him if he's ready for the trip in a hyper-excited voice. I don't think he speaks much English outside of "outside," "ride," and "vet." I guess I could ask him if he wanted to go for a ride to Baltimore, but with his limited vocabulary, he'd probably misunderstand and then wonder, several hours later, why the ride to drop the kids off at school was taking so damn long, and why we didn't bring the kids anyway.

I could try explaining it to him in Canine, but I'm not sure exactly how to sniff an ass in a way that implies a trip to Baltimore, and besides, my accent is atrocious and that always embarrasses me. This one time I tried to say "I'm a dachshund" and it came out "I'm a jelly snausage" and you can't live that shit down, especially once popular culture gets its hands on it.

Speaking of hands, Los Manos is in my Netflix queue. And Goonies is not. I just thought you should know.

Because knowing is half the battle. And knowledge is power. And power is work over time. So algebraically speaking, work is tP. And by the transitive property of equality, that means that tP is work. Which tells us that mathematicians and/or physicists must use really shitty cheap generic toilet paper and have poor diets.

Tim said...

Agreed. Fuck Michigan.