Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I will shoot you SO HARD!

So Taco came to visit last weekend. I was hoping he'd do an entry about it so I wouldn't have to, y'know, write but it looks like it's not gonna happen. I'll do a boring one now and force him to do a better one. I call this plan good.

Of course the first thing I did was get him in the house and hustle him up to the library. I figured that would be my best chance to get hooks in him so he'd never leave. Showed off some autographs and numbered limited editions and so on and so forth. He seemed interested but then he could have been just acting. I can never tell. He did touch the battle armor of the Divine Ray and received his holy blessing though, so there's that. Jack wasn't impressed at all. I don't know what he reads but my stuff wasn't doing it for him.

Off we went then to the comic book store. In my infinite absentmindedness (senility?) I forgot we had a dog in the car until we were 3 minutes from the place. So that part of the visit was a bomb. Can't take the dog in, can't leave him in the car. I am a dumbass. Hopefully the next bit will go better.

We fly down the road to the crab place where I pick up the order and hustle back to the house. One of the many benefits of getting crabs is that they make your car smell like them for quite a while afterwards. We get back and set it all up and I prepare to piledrive Taco's tastebuds.

Did you know they boil crabs where he's from? Fucking. Disgusting.

Anyway we undertook the holy ritual of eating crabs and all was good and blissful. Some things never fail and this is one of them. I showed him the proper way to do it and off we went to taste-heaven. Surely this would make him stay forever? I know it would work on me.

After this there was lots of talking and laughing, it's been quite a while since we've actually seen each other y'know and that stuff piles up I think. I hit him with a copy of Dark City (it's a good movie, damn you!) and chased him with a copy of Hot Fuzz (WATCH IT!). If only I had a Bluray of Goonies I could have beaten him quite mercilessly with it. We watched Epitaph One off the Dollhouse season 1 discs and decided that a lot of things made more sense because of it but that people who hadn't seen it might be confused in short order.

More talking and laughing, not unlike a couple of giggling girls.

I managed not to duct tape him to the wall in his sleep, which I feel was very big of me, figuring he'd stay of his own volition. The invisible thing that opens the downstairs bathroom door at night even took a break while he was here though of course he's started up again now that we're alone in the house once more. The next day there was more talking and laughing and I finally got sweet revenge on Mario Kart. Turns out I'm much better at it when I'm sober.


Then he left! Is there no power on earth to make them stay? It appears not. Then I was a sad panda. But then my beloved Ravens won and Rosalita took the leftover crabs and made this thing which I forget the name of but there was sauce and noodle and yummy so then I was back to just pining like usual.

Anyway, I imagine I was a very poor host. I'm not very good at things like that. I hope it won't prevent further visits though because in all I think it was quite fun though my description is lacking. I fear I haven't the mental energy for my usual energetic rambling. I guess someone else will have to do it.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jack is awesome. He has jedi level prairie dog skills. Also, I didn;t even mention the sweet sock monkey zombie that Wifezilla gave me. It seems to be made entirely of OMGYAYWIN.