Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Honkin' : Adjective 1. Giganimous

Stealing a page from Taco's playbook, I bring you an installment of COTD:

Tim:  Voltron or Ultraman in a fight?

Me:  Voltron, yo.  That sword beats all.

Tim:  But Ultraman knows space kung fu.

Me:  Voltron knows robot aikido.

Tim:  Outer space Steven Seagal?

Me:  With a honkin' sword.

Tim:  But no Chinese stars.

Me:  Indeed.  But the lion thing has to count for extra.

Tim:  Do they breathe fire?

Me:  No but one lives in a volcano like a DRAGON.

Tim:  But aren't volcano dwelling dragons evil?

Me:  Only by human standards.  By dragon standards that's just "Bob".

Tim:  Regular Bob or Silent Bob?

Me:  Depends on sleep cycle.

Tim:  Roger.  Over.


The Taco Prophet said...

God damn I love you two. My pants. NAO.

Speaking of, Cyrris is coming this way early next year. TacoCon 2.0. Srsly.

And if not then, my 10th anniversary is in April, and we're throwing a big honkin' party. Yer all coming. Forcing you to come is in the budget. Bob the Dragon will be there. He says, "Ikky ukky num num." Said you'd know what it meant.

Tim said...

I still say Ultraman. Godzilla has his back.

Unknown said...

One denies the Ikky ukky num num at one's own peril.

I say Godzilla really only has Godzilla's back. Of course in a 3 way throw down, Big G wipes them both out in short order.

fett said...

I admit it, I'm pretty seriously jonesing for a TacoCon