Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I like gypsy moths and radio talk...

I am so utterly sick of hopping back and forth between furious anger to the point that my hands itch to hurt someone and desperate sadness that makes me wish I'd just go to sleep and never wake up again.  I never thought I'd say it but I almost miss being medicated up to my fucking eyeballs.


fett said...

I am in the same boat. Been off medication for a couple months now and my emotions are swinging all over the place. I could go back on them, but then I get the weight gain and erectile dysfunction.

Some people are just born to suffer.

The Taco Prophet said...

fett, you should really talk to wifezilla. I know you guys are already trading email, but I mean specifically about this stuff. If you ever need the ear of someone who gets it, it's hers.

Coyote, I've got nothin'. Maybe some violent sex? I'm up for that.

Anonymous said...

This is a very good song:

"To believe is human, to doubt divine."

Unknown said...
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