Saturday, May 19, 2007

It's never too late to add to last year's best of list

Sometimes I get behind on my reading or music buying and I don't get around to something until months after its release. Sometimes this stuff is really good and deserves to be publicly praised so this is a very short list of stuff that came out last year that I didn't get around to until this year that I would have put on my Best of '06 entry if I had gotten to it last year. Yeah.

First, a couple of books:

The Messiah of Morris Avenue by Tony Hendra

What if the second coming of Christ wasn't about taking Christians to heaven? This is the basic premise of this satirical novel. The satire is sharp at times but it still has a big heart. It takes place in the future where the hardcore conservatives have taken over the government and we are basically a theocracy ruled by religious zealots. Heresy is against the law and damn near anything they choose can cause you to be labeled a heretic. Insert the second coming. Christ returns as a poor Mexican that quietly builds a following in order to renew the message.

You do not in any way have to be religious to appreciate the message of this book.

The Book of Dave by Will Self

What if a deranged London cab driver suffered a total psychotic breakdown right after a bitter divorce and an even more bitter custody battle and poured out all of his insanity into a book? What if, faaaaar in the future, this book is found and becomes the basis of a new society? Exactly.

It is a little tough at the start because the far future people often talk in a very exaggerated cockney that is spelled out phonetically. This doesn't really take long to get used to but it can throw you right off the bat. The book pops back and forth between younger Dave, older Dave, and two generations of the future. It's very well done and worth at least a trip to the library.

Now a couple of CDs:

Peeping Tom (self titled)

This is yet another Mike Patton project and like most things that he does this one is a winner. It has his almost patented blend of so many different genres that you'd think it would be too much but he fuses it all together perfectly. Not to be missed.

This Hungry Life by Tanya Donelly

I'm sure that Tanya Donelly is capable of making music that I don't like but this ain't it. The founder of Throwing Muses, The Breeders and Belly and finally a solo act is still making the sweet love to my ear drums. This new album (that's right, I still say album) has her tossing her indie rock roots into a blender with a touch of country (the good stuff not that tripe they make these days) and a tiny bit of pop and then straining it through her new maturity brought on by motherhood. Probably not for everyone but it is definitely for me so I'll have another helping thanks so very much.

That's all I have off the top of my head.

Accident update:

I appear to have no permanent damage to myself but my hands have hurt pretty badly since the crash and I'm a little stiff all over. Hopefully this will pass soon. I haven't heard anything about the 3 women that got taken away in ambulances. Hopefully they're OK.


JMac said...

Well hello reader to your blog and very pleased that I happened to come accross it. How did I do so? I am an avid reader of Paul Neilan's blog and saw your comment. It's rare that I browse through blogs, much less read more than one entry. But you're hilarious, I couldn't stop reading. While I invite you to read mine, I must forewarn you that its a lot of complaining and bull shit about my life...though some find it interesting. Anyway, I just needed to comment you and tell you I'm now a personal blog fan and I look forward to the next time you write. Oh...loved the bathroom list, by the way. Though it's a bit different in the ladies room, I'll work on some variations : )


Anonymous said...

You see what you've let free on the world? Now I'll have you be even more careful when I go into the Ladies bathroom...

Unknown said...

Ah new fans. One of of us...

I do so love when my obvious gifts are appreciated by all and sundry. Gifts like my charming arrogance for example. Also, complaining os one of my favorite things to do so I'll be over directly to read your stuff.

Keep me updated on the ladies room stuff. I'm intrigued.


I spread like an untreated infection. You know this. You remember like that time I gave you that rash? Like that. And why are you in ladies rooms and not sharing these stories? And, again:


Unknown said...

Almost forgot:

Paul Neilan is a fucking genius. I die a little inside every day that passes without a new book from him.

Anonymous said...

Can't update.

Licking wombats.

Anonymous said...

Hey man, guess what... I took a break from the wombat licking! And I picked up a nice new coat of paint for my blog... now you just need to bother to read it, 5 month recap!