Monday, December 28, 2009

And we're back

I haven't really been in the mood to share anything since I became a shiftless layabout but I figure it's time to get back on the horse and start typing away. Let's start with something easy. People who are annoying me.

Thankfully christmas is over (see previous posts for my thoughts about all that, I'm not getting into it again here) but I was just reminded that New Year's Eve is still forthcoming and with it the inevitable stupid people and drunk drivers killing lots of other people. That made me think of something else that's been annoying the piss out of me for the last month or so.

Best of the decade lists.

I'm going to explain it again so please listen this time. The decade is NOT over until the end of next year. I went through all this with people when the whole 2000 thing came around. 2000 was not the beginning of the new millennium, 2001 was. Therefore 2000 was also not the beginning of the new century or the new decade. It's simple math, people. You start counting at 1, not zero so the decade began in 2001 and will end in 2010. Save your mostly shitty best of the decade lists until the decade is actually winding down will ya?

Irritating bastards...


Larriken said...

Thank you!!! Finally, someone else who can actually count!!

Amen and a second helping please to the Christmas rants. I can't stand any more of the abomination the holidays have become.

fett said...

Hey, who says a decade has to start on the 1? Could start on the five. A decade is simply 10 years. To me this is the end of a decade because it has been 10 years since a milestone (artificial, incorrect, or whatever). I feel reflective, damnit.

Though fuck Christmas. I am a humbug.

Unknown said...

High five, Larry.

Not a decade fett, THE decade. Technically every year marks the end of A decade but these nutters roll out their best of THE decade lists an entire year early. 0-9 = nine years, not ten.