Thursday, June 28, 2007

Guess who's still a geek

If you said me, you're right. I know that some of you enjoy reading and some of you enjoy it in any form so I thought I'd drop an update on some very good comics that I have either just discovered for myself or have started getting monthly. As usual if you are one of those idiots that looks down your nose at comics and the people that read them then stop reading and kindly fuck off. We don't want any of your ignorant snobbery dripping on our comics.

Y: The Last Man

This is a title that has been around for a while now and I picked up the first collection, loved the hell out of it and decided that they would all be mine. Oh yes, they will. This is an award winning and ridiculously acclaimed story that starts with the deaths of every male mammal on earth except Yorick Brown and his monkey. Vertigo puts this out monthly and is supposed to run for 60 issues. Like many Vertigo titles there are no capes and super powers here but there is a fantastic story that is packed with layers and layers of yum. Highly recommended.

Buffy Season 8

Buffy the Vampire Slayer went off the air several years ago and a part of me died that day. The show was always one of the most intelligently written on TV and I missed it immensely. JossWhedon then announced that he would do season 8 of the show as a comic book series. After the spontaneous orgasm passed I started getting it. It is everything that the show was and more. There are no budget constraints so the only limit is Whedon's imagination (which followers of Buffy, Angel, Firefly, etc will tell you is abundant). His writing is still sharp and it was great dropping in on the characters again. So far 5 issues have come out and originally it was supposed to go for 20 or so but the ideas just kept coming and now has ballooned to 50+ in short order.

Keep them coming Joss. As long as you do it I'll keep buying it.

The Boys

This is the new series from Garth Ennis (Preacher) with art by Darick Robertson (Transmetropolitan). Let that sink in for a minute. You want it now don't you? I knew you would. Anyway the series is about a CIA backed squad in a world where heroes are plentiful (more so than in a "normal" comic universe) and they sometimes need to be watched, kept in line or even killed. Not the villains mind you, the heroes. Ennis has said that this book will "Out-Preacher Preacher" and if that doesn't do it for you, you're dead inside.

It was first published by Wildstorm (owned by DC) but was dropped after 6 issues due to what they thought of as antisuperhero writing. I think they missed the point. It's more a deconstruction of the superhero myth (kind of like Miracleman but not as, y'know, Alan Moore) than anything else. They agreed to let them take the book elsewhere and publication has resumed this month with #7. A collection of the first six issues is out now. Go get it.


This is the new title by Warren Ellis (HellBlazer, Transmetropolitan, The Authority, Planetary, c'mon, it's Warren fucking Ellis) about detective Richard Fell. He is one of "three and a half" cops working in Snowtown which is like the worst crime city in the world multiplied by 10. It is strange, it is weird, it is surreal and you absolutely should be reading it. It is so much more than I can explain to you here. The first collection with the first 8 issues is out now and the series is monthly.

And now a few mainstream things that I'm into even though I'm not going to get back into the mainstream ever. Follow me, it'll make sense in a minute.

Matt Wagner (Grendel, Mage) has done two limited series in the early stages of Batman's career. He takes a very pulpy kind of attitude but with a very real Matt Wagner angle to it. If you understand that then you'll love these. None of the bad guys you know and love (Batman has always had the very best rogue's gallery) have appeared yet but I think if he does another one that they will start popping in.

Both minis are collected and they are Batman and the Monster Men and Batman and the Mad Monk. Both up to the high standard that anyone would expect from this giant of the field.

DC has also started two series based on their biggest icons but they are series that aren't really inside the normal universe of either of them. For both they have brought together one well known and respected writer and one well known and respected artist and let them loose to do their thing. The results are All Star Batman by Frank Miller (!!!!) and Jim Lee and All Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely.

The Batman series is very much a Frank Miller Batman series and is set, it seems to me, very much in his Dark Knight universe and not in standard DC continuity. He's gotten some flak for his portrayal of this or that thing or character but what the hell did you expect when you saw a Batman book with Miller's name on it? Nitwits.

The Superman series won an Eisner award and is so good it'll make your toes curl. New life into the Man of Steel? Believe it.

There you have it, for now. Get you to a comic shop and get some or all of these grabtacular things. Go on, I'll wait.


JMac said...

So my dear, wonderful Geek...I started reading this and when I discovered it was about comics I did, in fact, roll my eyes and considered for only a split second to skip this post. I am not ignorant or snobby, just never been a comics readin kinda gal. But I respect the hell out of you and your writing and decided to give it a chance, see if maybe I should be reading them. Well, you sure proved me wrong. I have, since i was a wee tot, loved batman (yeah, the movies) and then when I saw Sin City I obviously fell in love with Frank Miller. Please don't label me a mainstream whore, I've just never been introduced to the underground comic world. Until today. And I'm going to prematurely thank you before I even pick up one of the comics beacuse I have a feeling I'm going to like them. A lot. I'll probably skip Buffy, not much of a sci-fi fan. I'll probably take a look at Fell and The Last Man and DEFINITELY will pick up Frank Millers Batman series (that man pleases me in ways a woman only dreams about). Maybe you could recommend something to the fledgling comic reader? Help me out man, cuz you've got me very intruiged and I don't want to be left hanging. Nor do I want to walk into a comic store and have no idea what I'm talking about or looking for. :)

Tim said...

I've been meaning to read Fell and The Boys for quite some time, but alas, no money.

The Boys interests me, because of Garth Ennnis has stated repeatedly that he hates writing superhero fare. And yet, he's writing the Midnighter series...

I might suggest Stormwatch: Team Achilles. It's a similar concept. About a UN backed team trained to take down posthuman threats. The art is kind of meh, but the writing is absolutely brutal.

I still can't get into Y, or really anything written by Vaughn. Something about his style just bores me

IF you're really jonesing for some more Ellis, check out Desolation Jones. It's probably my favorite he's done since Transmet.

Unknown said...

Even as a beginner you can't go wrong with the classics. Classics from my (and many other) viewpoints anyway. Any of the following are highly recommended by me:

V for Vendetta
100 Bullets
The Losers
Sin City
The Dark Knight Returns

Plus any of the stuff I've mentioned in my comics posts. After a while you'll know the really good writers and can just track them down.


Definitely going to try and find Desolation Jones. This is the second time I've heard about it and you have yet to steer me to something that isn't gold. Plus Ellis is the shit.

Tim said...

I forgot to mention, Warren Ellis has an actual novel coming out, called Crooked Little Vein.

I forget the actual release date, but it's available for pre-order from Amazon.

Anonymous said...

In related news, The A.V. Club just started a new comics panel, it's a good read... I heartily second their recommendation of Eternals.