Thursday, September 13, 2007

Game's the same, just got more fierce.

The bigger the awards show, the less relevance it has. Some of you may remember my post about the last Academy Awards and this is worse. Much worse. This is, all by itself, proof that shit just doesn't make any sense in the world of entertainment. I don't watch the Emmy awards but if you do then I kindly ask that you boycott this year.

The Wire was nominated for zero Emmy awards.

Allow me to put that in some kind of context for you. The Wire has, since it began, been one of the most praised and critically hailed shows ever. Ever. I have never heard or seen a bad review of it. I have never heard or seen a merely good review of it. I have ONLY EVER seen over the top great reviews of it. It is regarded, across the board, as one of the best shows to ever be on television and it is held to be the best show on television now by virtually every critic I have read. They make it a point to mention it in their reviews, sometimes multiple times just to make sure you saw it.

This season of The Wire that finished and would be up for consideration, its fourth, was held by all and sundry to be the best season of the show. Think about that. The best season of the best show on TV and one of the best (I've heard some go so far as to say THE best) shows to ever be on TV which makes it one of if not the best season of television to ever be broadcast in this country got nominated for no awards for excellence in television.

What. The. Fuck.

Obviously I love the show and agree with every critic (a rarity to be sure) that there is no better show currently going and that it is very high on the list of best ever. It is that fucking good. Whatever the show you love is that you stop what you're doing to watch, this show is better. No nominations. Not one.

The level of ignorance and stupidity that it takes for this kind of thing to happen makes my head hurt. Support those things that are awesome, people. Somebody damn well has to.


Tim said...

I haven't seen season four yet, but if it's better than season three (which was fucking awesome), my pantaloons quiver in anticipation.

In conclusion, fuck the emmys. To me, they hold roughly as much credibility as the MTv awards, and you know what high opinion i hold of that.

VikingLady said...'re saying we should watch it.


Netflix queue...

Is it better than Big Love?

Anonymous said...

I didn't have anything to say before, because I agree with you so completely, I thought I'd spare you from half a page of me being completely redundant... but now that Inga's asked the silliest question in the history of silly questions, I'll step up:


VikingLady said...

Okay fine I added it to my netflix. GEEZE.

Unknown said...

Think about it like this:

If The Wire was a concert it would be Pink Floyd opening for Led Zeppelin opening for a band consisting of Jimi Hendrix, Freddy Mercury, John Bonham, Cliff Burton, Jim Morrison, Dimebag Darrell, Janis Joplin, and Jesus Fucking Christ.

Everything else is just a show.

VikingLady said...



*literally shaking head to reduce pressure*



Tim said...

I've caught up on The Wire. Season 4 was the best yet. Could have used more McNulty, but the way things ended i imagine he'll be more prominent in the next season.

Anonymous said...

Woah, "Geeze"? Lately I've noticed that everyone spells it "Jeez" while I've been writing "Geez", and I guess the J makes it an abbreviation of Jesus? Anyway, you could have been the first person to spell it like me, but you had to get all excessive and go for a third E. Tsk.