Sunday, September 2, 2007

*taptaptap* Is this thing on?

Taco gave everyone questions to answer and since I can deny him nothing, here we go:

1. What is your favorite book of all time?

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. It is, without exception, the greatest novel ever written. You are free to think otherwise but you will of course be wrong. I have spoken. My word is law.

2. Now that you've given a totally bullshit answer in order to impress people on the intarwebs whom you've never met, stop being a poser and tell us what your real favorite book of all time is.

You're not going to get me with my own question. Good try though.

3. What famous person, past or present, would you ravage sexually given the opportunity? Addendum: this person must be counter to your own sexual orientation. If you are heterosexual, they must be of your sex. If you are homosexual, they must be of the opposite sex. If you are bisexual, they must be an animal or a plant.

I can't let Taco outdo me by answering all of these and then I only answer one. What kind of halfassedness would that be?

Male: If I have to choose one and only one? Johnny Depp probably. He's not just pretty, he's also very talented. But mostly it would be because he's pretty.

Female: Cleopatra. I have a longstanding crush on her. By all accounts she was insanely intelligent and apparently had a voice that was beautiful even when she was just speaking in normal conversation.

Animal and plant: When you think about it, they say "Fuck like a couple of bunnies" for a reason, right? Also, there's this ficus that's been giving me the ol' stink eye recently so, y'know.

4. What's the most bizarre sexual act you've ever committed? If you puss out and post something that's not interesting, we get to make fun of you. Make something up if you have to. Use lots of adjectives.

*edited because, well, because I said so*

5. Can you get the image of your grandparents fucking out of your head?

Both of my grandfathers died when I was still a baby so I couldn't get the image in my head even if I wanted to. In your face Flanders!


Anonymous said...

Dude, hurry up and answer the Qs that Jess gave you, it's been over a fortnight... I know you're reading this, because you're so in love with me, so here are the Electrogirl elected Qs for you again:

1) I've just given you a cocktail that will stop your heart after 48 hours and there is no cure. How will you spend these 48 hours?

2) What is your idea of a perfect world?

3) I give you 10 Million dollars but with these terms: You must move out of the country and you must leave alone and tell no one where you are going. Do you take it?

4) If you could live as a character from any movie, which would it be?

5) What is one thing most people don't know about you?

JMac said...

haha thanks damo. my eternal night in shining armor...on blog anyway.

Unknown said...

I am undone by the use of the word fortnight. Defeated...

I was trying to save my Q&A skills for the big questionnaire of love nut NO. You all want me in bits and pieces. That's fine. I'll do it this week. Probably. Wait, yeah, this week.

I think I may have alienated everyone else with one of these answers. It's quiet in Coyotetown. Too quiet.

fett said...

That's it? That's IT?! I am completely unimpressed. I believe my first response to reading question four was: "Nice!"

You suck. All of you suck. I admit to something shameful and you guys only admit to awesome stuff.

Fie on you.


The Taco Prophet said...

So I log in this morning and hop over to mock you mercilessly for failing to answer my questions, and find that you've beaten me to the punch. At first I didn't know whether to be happy that you answered or sad that I didn't get to mock you. But then I realized I can now try to use your confessions to manipulate you into sexual antics. So yay!

JMac said...

I gave in. After having boycotted you for a bit because I seem to be getting ignored mercilessly, I finally broke down and became seriously curious as to your answers.

I'm buying Lolita. Probably today after work. IM FUCKING EXCITED!!

I would agree with the Johnny Depp statement, but...I have a huge thing for Michael Pitt currently and might choose him - though I can see how easy it is to pick Johnny - he is just that pretty.

Cleopatra...if she wasn't so overdone during halloween, I would be her this year.


I like that sex story. Though I have a feeling, if i dig through my sexual archive, I could top that and really get people running scared from me.

ew. grandparents. ew.

yeah totally decent answers, not something I could possibly even think to hate you for. You NOT answering my questions, thats a different story...

VikingLady said...

Actually I wasn't thinking them, and that really isn't all THAT shocking. Not that I'm saying that's a bad thing, I just... *sigh* I was hoping for something... I dunno, weirder? Something that would make me squeal with delight and say, "Ooohh! That's so dis-GUS-tiiiing!" But no. All I get is that you did some dude's wife while he watched.


Don't hold out. Gross me out.

Unknown said...

Who the hell is Michael Pitt?

I have a list of sex stuff as long as my arm and I have very long arms. That's normally the one that makes people look at me funny. I figure it has more to do with other people being wildly uncomfortable in their own skin and less to do with the thing itself.

Further stories might require you lot to liquor me up. Not that I wouldn't tell the stories anyway, you know I have no shame, but I really need a drink. Or seven.

VikingLady said...

UPDATE! It's been like... FOUR DAYS already! You know I've got the attention span of a ferret on espresso!

Unknown said...

I'll update when I'm good and damn ready!

You're lucky I came here because I was good and damn ready or I'd make you wait and stuff!